We are a small engineering practice who carry out structural design work throughout Lewes, East Sussex. Our civil and structural engineers carry out design calculations and drawings for domestic, residential, commercial and industrial developments.

Civil and Structural Engineers and Engineering Design, Lewes, East Sussex
Our design expertise encompasses all conventionally adopted materials using recognised and advanced techniques to provide design calculations, computer aided drawings and specifications.

We regularly design projects of reinforced concrete and steel framed construction, including composite constructions, along with masonry, timber, structural aluminium and glass construction.

Structural and subsidence inspection and reports, Lewes, East Sussex
We undertake structural inspections for both the private and commercial sectors. This includes structural reports for the purposes of possible defects found within surveys carried out on domestic properties for mortgage approvals.

Surveys are also carried out to advice on any possible structural problems and implications when considering the refurbishment of buildings.

Foundation Design, Lewes, East Sussex
This ranges from foundation design checks for existing developments to proposed designs for the full spectrum of building types, including all types of raft and piled foundations, including retaining wall designs with incorporate basement conversions.

Drainage Design, Lewes, East Sussex
Full drainage designs are carried out for both residential and commercial projects, including any water retention needs.

Underpinning works, Lewes, East Sussex
Underpinning takes many forms from traditional mass concrete underpinning to RC concrete beams or slabs and piled solutions.

Refurbishment and Conservation Work, Lewes, East Sussex
We have considerable experience in the refurbishment and or conservation of historic buildings. Designs normally include measures to remedy current defects and strengthen the building as necessary for its proposed use.

Temporary Works, Lewes, East Sussex
This includes all methods of retaining structures that are to be altered for re-development.
Building and planning applications

We carry out all the necessary calculations, constructional drawing packages and application forms to ensure full planning and building regulation approval is granted

We also carry out the below and many more:

Steel beam and RSJ designs, Lewes, East Sussex

Rear extension designs, Lewes, East Sussex

Loft extensions, Lewes, East Sussex

Bi fold door beam and lintel designs, Lewes, East Sussex

Piled foundation designs, Lewes, East Sussex

Basement conversion designs, Lewes, East Sussex

Retaining wall designs, Lewes, East Sussex

Raft foundation designs, Lewes, East Sussex

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Structural Engineers providing Consulting, Civil & Structural Engineering services.

01892 240128
01424 777992
0161 8816196

Please feel free to Email us to get in touch.

We have been appointed the structural engineer on other projects, further examples can be viewed by the above Romala design link.

Copyright 2008 Romala Design Ltd, All Rights Reserved. Managing Director: Jason F Day
Registration No. 06385400 – Vat Registration No. 919 7279 76 – Incorporated in England
Structural Engineers and Civil Engineering Consultants in the UK including Sussex, Kent & London – Sitemap